Chris Fowles Chris Fowles Director

Short Film (2014)

"Part serious crime thriller, part coming of age drama-comedy, Sleeping Dogs follows a former hard-as-nails crook struggling to settle into his dull domestic life. It all goes wrong when an enemy from his past shows up, sending him into a downward spiral of paranoia and fear, tempting him to return to his old ways. That night, when he confronts the rival, he is forced to accept the way his life has changed, and abandon his dark guilt-ridden past once and for all."

Director: Chris Fowles
Writer: Geoff Gedroyc
Producer: Joe Jones
Director of Photography: Ben Parish


Aesthetica Short Film Festival
Pittsburgh International Three Rivers Film Festival
Bournemouth Independent Film Festival
Manchester International Film Festival
Glasgow Short Stop Film Festival
Screentest: The National Student Film Festival
Budapest Short Film Festival
Rye International Film Festival
Lisbon International Film Festival
Zealous X Film Festival
Carmarthen Bay Film Festival


Winner: Jury Special Mention for Outstanding Short Film (MANIFF)
Nominated: Best Thriller, Best Short (AIFF)
Nominated: Best Performance (Screentest)