Chris Fowles Chris Fowles Director

A film made for Volvo in partnership with Sign Language charity, Deaf Accessibility. 

The film aims to highlight the exclusion experienced by deaf people, and the role technology can play in opening up experiences to disabled people.

British Sign Language, unlike ASL, needs two hands to communicate properly.

When used safely, driver aids like Pilot Assist offer life changing experiences when driving, bringing families and friends closer together.


Director: Chris Fowles

Production Company: Petroleum & Co.

EP/Producer: George Howson & Lucas Coombs

DoP: Terrence Wilkins

Tracking Services: RKD Motion 

Casting: Tobi St Clair @ Deaf Talent Collective

Sign Language Consultant / Translator: Michelle Parry

Directors Agent: The Visionaries @ Lemonade reps

Colour: The Mill London
Colourist: Philip Hambi
Colour Producer: Dan Hills

Sound: SoundCanvas
Sound Designer: Tom Joyce
Audio Producer: Clare Wilde